Suwanee Homeowners Can Rely on Professional Fire Cleanup for Improved Outcomes 

Property fires cause many problems, including soiling structural areas and contents. The issues range from soot and ash build-up, deterioration in materials from water and heat exposure, chemical residues, and odor build-up. You need to clean all affected areas or find alternative procedures to help resolve the problems the fire triggers in your Suwanee property. AdvantaClean of Norcross and Buford readily respond when you notify us of a fire incident.

What is the basic principle of successful fire damage cleanup?

Adapting the cleaning process to match the soiling issues created by a fire is essential. With the varied outcomes expected from a fire incident, you cannot use a single-approach restoration plan such as wet cleaning for all affected areas. At best, such an approach can only address the soiling partially, leaving issues to continue bothering you. In some cases, a single approach might worsen the outcome. For example, wet cleaning can create moisture problems, such as soaking the drywall, which warps, crumbles, or stains deeply.

How professional fire restoration adapts the cleaning process better

The experience a team like AdvantaClean of Norcross and Buford brings forth makes a significant impact from the onset of the restoration. Our approach, which prioritizes inspection before we take other restoration processes, helps us understand the soiling better. We use tools such as char gauges to determine the heat-triggered deterioration in materials or wipe surfaces with white sponges to establish the soot accumulation level.

Other critical details revealed after evaluating fire incidents

  • The type of finish applied on affected surfaces 

  • The age of the affected material

  • Whether the material is porous or non-porous

  • The conditions of soot residues with variations like wet, dry, or oily

In general, porous or unfinished surfaces and older materials increase the cleaning challenge since the ridges and grooves hold onto residues, and the larger pores in the materials allow lightweight soils like soot to penetrate beyond the surface. 

The multistep fire damage cleanup process 

One of the best fire damage cleanup strategies is a multi-stage approach that takes care of different problems separately. Removing large debris such as pieces of charred wood, drywall, or shards of shattered glass from the property first helps clear up the site allowing easier and safer access during the other fire cleanup processes. Crews from AdvantaClean of Norcross and Buford handle this step quickly since we wear protective equipment such as heavy-duty gloves and rubber boots. We also have large wheeled trash cans for simpler aggregation of the debris. 

Dry cleaning is another critical step in the early stages of fire restoration cleanup. It removes loose smoke residues, ash, and soot from surfaces, preparing them for further cleanup and polishing. If left in place, such residues may aggravate staining or persistent odors since other cleaning procedures may spread them. 

Best dry-cleaning procedures to remove fire residues

  • Feather dusting for furniture and other contents, especially if packing out

  • Brushing for textured surfaces such as unfinished wood or concrete

  • Wiping with cleaning sponges for walls, especially when you want to minimize smudges

  • Vacuuming with HEPA filtered device to avoid releasing residues into the air

Wet cleaning of the entire property helps remove any challenging soils, whether heavier soot deposits, residues from firefighting chemicals, or the soiling resulting from drenching the property with water to quell the flames. Our AdvantaClean of Norcross and Buford crews are well-prepared for this step of fire damage cleanup at your Suwanee property. Depending on the conditions at your property, we can use power washers, rotating brushes, or cleaning sponges to handle soiling in different areas of your property. Power washers that drive a jet of water at pressures of up to 2500 psi help strip off stubborn soiling from vast surfaces faster. 

Finishing procedures are also essential during fire damage cleanup. Such processes can include removing the moisture built up during firefighting and deodorizing the odors left after a fire. The teams from AdvantaClean of Norcross and Buford come prepared with air movers, dehumidifiers, and fogging machines to finish the restoration efficiently. 

AdvantaClean of Norcross and Buford is a premier fire damage cleanup service you can rely on. Contact our office or call (470) 819-2070 for assistance.

Schedule an Appointment or Call (470) 819-2070

To request a service call, please fill out the form below and we will contact you via phone, email or text as soon as possible to confirm an appointment time. You will receive an email confirming your service request. 

Phone to call (470) 819-2070