You think you’ve finally found “the one” – the house that might become the home that you’ve been dreaming of. How exciting! But there are so many things to think about during the home purchasing process, especially if you’re considering buying a house after mold remediation has been done by the previous homeowner. Hopefully the sellers disclosed the mold-related issues that they dealt with and you’re not discovering evidence of previous mold remediation that you weren’t aware of when you bought. If that’s the case, then you might be stuck with whatever mold-related issues are still lingering. But if you haven’t closed yet, here are some key things to consider. Every home purchase involves risk, of course, but by thinking about these important factors, you can follow through on your negotiation and closing – or walk away – with a greater degree of confidence in your decision.

  • If mold remediation has been disclosed, ask the sellers: “How long ago did it happen?”
    Mold issues that are older could signal that the home is now in good shape if the mold remediation was done properly and the sellers have continued to maintain a clean and dry indoor environment to minimize the risk of mold returning to the structure. But by the same token, older issues might also mean that there’s been plenty of time for more mold to creep back in. On the flip side, if mold remediation was done recently, then this could mean that the home has been rid of the mold and it’s now good to go. Or, once again, it could mean that the issues are just starting to develop and more could be just over the horizon after you get the keys. So how can you know what’s the real deal?

  • Ask the sellers, “Who did your mold remediation?”
    If they assure you that their cousin Frank, who is the family’s resident mold expert, thoroughly cleaned out all of the mold, then maybe you should exercise some more caution. Is Frank certified by the National Organization of Remediators and Mold Inspectors (NORMI)? Does he have the latest mold inspection and mold testing technology, and has he been trained in the best techniques for removing and remediating black mold and other types of harmful spores? So depending on both the timeline and the mold mitigation service provider, you can make a more informed decision about the possible condition of the home.

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  • Review your home inspection report thoroughly.
    Ideally, you were able to walk with your home inspector as she or he went through every nook and cranny of the home you’re thinking about buying. But if you weren’t present for the inspection itself, then review the written report which should include pictures of all deficiencies which the inspector found in the home. Even previous mold remediation services might be evident to the inspector based on the condition and appearance of certain surfaces. If the inspector found current mold damage but didn’t make specific recommendations in the report on how to go about remediating the mold, then contact him or her to ask for further details about the nature of the mold infestation and any thoughts on how serious the problem might be (and how extensive and costly a mitigation service might be). This information can give you leverage in the negotiation process with the sellers – or, if the issues are bad enough and your gut is telling you to bail, then you might have just saved yourself from discovering the issues later and wondering why you bought the place at all.

  • What if you need additional mold remediation?
    If you’ve already bought the house and you’re stuck with a mold-related problem, try not to panic. If the issues weren’t disclosed or caught on your home inspection, you might have recourse to hold the sellers liable. Although this may be difficult to accomplish legally, an attorney can give you sound advice on what your options are for getting the sellers to do the right thing. Maybe the mold won’t require litigation, but regardless it will require mitigation. (We couldn’t resist the rhyme on that one.) In all seriousness, mold is nothing to mess around with, and if you’re going to have it removed, then you need to have it done the right way the first time. That’s where AdvantaClean can come into the picture. We’ve been the industry leaders in mold inspection and mold testing services as well as every aspect of the mold removal and mold remediation process. Our mold response crews are highly trained and certified, and they use the most sophisticated technology available to find and eliminate every bit of mold from any residential structure. So for the fastest, finest most affordable mold services available anywhere, contact AdvantaClean today!

More info? For information on purchasing a home with mold, read our post HOME INSPECTION REVEALS MOLD, NOW WHAT?

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