Mold Feeding Insects: Are They Invading Your Home?

Many homeowners who experience mold problems also report an increase of bugs in their homes around the same time, and according to Texas-based education agency AgriLife Extension, there's a very good reason for that. In fact, sometimes the presence of certain mold feeding insects can provide a clue to water leaks or other moisture problems.

The Link Between Mold and Mold Feeding Insects

There are several reasons homeowners might find mold and mold feeding insects in their homes. The same conditions are often favorable for both mold and mold feeding insects, like warmth and moisture - while most kinds of mold grow best in warm, wet environments, bugs also need water and often reproduce best in warm places.

Even if you keep your home very clean, you can still end up with mold and mold feeding insects. It's important to keep in mind that mold develops as a result of excessive moisture, not as a result of excessive dirt. Even if your home is otherwise very clean, mold can attract mold feeding insects.

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Types of Mold Feeding Insects

The foreign grain beetle, Ahasverus advena, feeds primarily on fungal spores and can be found in newer or older homes. New homes often sustain mildew on newly installed lumber or sheet rock that has absorbed water and fostered mold growth; and in older homes, these mold feeding insects are found in bathrooms or other areas of high humidity.

Booklice, Psocids, feed on mold and a variety of both plant- and animal-based foods like dried fruit, grains, dead insects, and cereal, which is why they are typically found in books, rugs, and foods. They depend on high humidity for reproduction and survival and are most common in buildings and structures with excessive moisture and lack of air flow.

What Mold Feeding Insects are Trying to Tell You

Many types of mold produce microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOCs), a musty-like odor, which is what attracts mold feeding insects. If you notice a musty odor in your home in conjunction with gnats or other insects, you should suspect mold - even if you don't see it.

If these conditions occur, schedule a mold inspection with a MICRO or IAQA mold remediation specialist to assess the damage and help you on your way to a mold- and bug-free home.

More info? For more information on where mold comes from, read our post: Identify Mold and Mildew in Your Home.

Call877-800-2382 to schedule a mold inspection or remediation estimate with AdvantaClean today!

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