When you start your spring cleaning, you'll likely have a whole checklist of household chores to tackle. One of those major to do's will probably be cleaning your windows, and if it's been at least a few months since you've wiped them off, you may be surprised by the amount of mold or mildew on the window sills. But not to worry, we have some great tips for how to wipe out window mold for good!
So, why does mold grow on windows sills?
Mold is a common problem for many households, in all parts of the country. This unsightly growth stems from spores which are carried into the house on your shoes, clothes, or just blown in by air.
Remember: Mold or mildew cannot grow without water! Eliminating the moisture source is key for prevention!
Once inside your home, mold spores will grow when conditions are optimal for their survival. The biggest factor in this situation is moisture or water damage. Mold spores need hydration to survive and grow, and that is the reason why mold is most often found in bathrooms, under kitchen sinks, and at times your windowsills.
When it comes to windowsills, mold or mildew often grows because of moisture caused by condensation. This often occurs in the winter, because the cold air outside makes the surface temperature of your windows colder, causing the warm air inside to condense into water droplets. Though the amount of this moisture is relatively low, when it meets with bio-film (common to every home), it is enough to feed the growth of mold spores.
Preparation for how to wipe out window mold for good:
When cleaning your windows to get rid of mold or mildew, it's important to keep in mind that there are several steps to the process:
- Removing the visible mold
- Cleaning away the bio-film it is feeding on
- Killing any microscopic spores that may remain on the surface
Like dust, mold can settle onto your skin and even make it inside your lungs if inhaled. Therefore, you should take several precautions to protect yourself:
- Wear rubber gloves and a cleaning mask
- We also suggest using safety goggles to prevent any spores from coming in contact with your eyes.