Explore AdvantaClean of Honolulu

As a locally owned and operated business we take pride in servicing our community. Learn more about our credentials and community involvement.

Schedule an Appointment

To request a service call you only need to fill out the form below. We will contact you via phone, email, or text to confirm the best appointment time. You will receive an email confirming your service request.
Phone to call or Call Now (808) 466-3988

Meet Your Local Experts

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    Nestor Flores


Achievements and Certifications

At AdvantaClean of Honolulu we provide the best services backed by our certifications and training.

osha certified


iirci logo


lead safe certified firm


macro certification



  • Air System Cleaning Specialist
  • Certified Mold Inspector
  • Certified Mold Remediation Contractor
  • Water Damage Restoration Technician

AdvantaClean of Honolulu Consultation!

We provide the residents of Honolulu, with the warm customer care of a local business and the skilled service of a national franchise. AdvantaClean has been improving its work continuously throughout its more than 25-year history.

Call us to set up a consultation (808) 468-7771!