You don’t need to be a scientist or healthcare professional to know that mold can be dangerous and harmful to human health. If there is mold growing in your home, it is surely being spread in the air and impacting the health of everyone in the space. But how do you know if you can’t see it? The black mold symptoms we’ll discuss in this article can help you spot the signs of trouble.


To work with a mold removal company that is sure to get the job done right the first time, turn to AdvantaClean. With years of experience and a long list of satisfied customers to our credit, you can count on us to deliver.


It Can Be Subtle

When you think about exposure to mold, you might first think about significant, dramatic health issues. While those are possible, it’s often the case that symptoms are rather subtle, especially at first. So, you might dismiss these issues as the result of something else, and you may not think at all about mold being to blame.


For example, many of the symptoms you could deal with resemble what you would have with a common cold. Things like coughing, nasal congestion, watery eyes, and sneezing are all associated with exposure to black mold – but so too are they associated with having a cold. Most people won’t think at first that such symptoms are related to mold, so you’ll likely write it off as a cold and move on with your life.


Pay Attention to Duration

Perhaps the best way to notice that your health issues are related to black mold is by watching how long the symptoms last. If you continue to have respiratory issues long after a cold should have come and gone, there might be something else at play. That doesn’t guarantee that mold is to blame, but it does mean you should be looking more carefully for something to point to as the underlying cause.


Looking for Signs

In addition to looking for signs in your health that black mold might be a problem, you can also look around the house for signs that mold might be growing. As you may be aware, mold only grows when it has access to moisture, so checking potentially damp areas in your home is a good starting point. Of course, mold only needs a little bit of water, so it won’t need to be a big leak to cause a problem. Basements are the most common space to spot mold, but it could also be growing behind a wall if some moisture has gotten into the space, or even in the back of a dark closet that is rarely opened. Should signs of mold appear, be sure to turn to professionals for help dealing with the problem. 


Get More Information Today

Worried about the mold remediation cost you might face for this project? Don’t stress until you contact AdvantaClean and learn more about what the job will cost, how long it will take, and the affordable options available. We hope to hear from you soon!

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