When it comes to mold, wherever you can't see it is typically where it's most deadly. Mold development in your home's crawl area or a wall foundation might go undetected for a long time. The longer it goes unnoticed, the greater the chance your property will sustain significant structural damage.

The unseen mold spores introduced into your interior air supply pose the most significant threat. Regarding potential health effects, breathing in those spores might result in allergic reactions, migraines, and even exacerbate disorders like memory loss or other chronic illnesses.

Before you spend money on the cleanup process, it's a good idea to test if you sense mold is forming in your home. In this article, we will discuss the primary considerations when checking for mold in the air in your house.

What Are The Symptoms Of Mold In The Air?

There is mold all over. This particular species of fungus develops from microscopic spores in the atmosphere. It can flourish everywhere that spores drop, discover moisture, and a temperature range from 40 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit that is favorable for mold growth. That generally refers to all of your home's moist areas.

Mildew, the most noticeable mold, starts as tiny, typically black patches but frequently develops into larger colonies, making it easy to see. It's one of the more straightforward methods for determining whether you have mold. The dark substance accumulates outdoors, particularly in damp and shaded regions, on painted paneling and deck boards, moist walls, and the grouting lines in your shower.

It can be challenging to tell a mildewed floor from a dirty one. Put a few drops of chlorine bleach on the darkened area to check for mildew and mold and learn whether your home has mold. After a few minutes, if it starts to lighten, you will have mildew. You likely have dirt if the space stays dark.

Can You Test For Mold Spores In The Air?

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) advises against mold testing if there are evident damaged areas inside your home. It is because the test is intended to find dangerous amounts of mold in the air. Here are several warning signals to watch out for that may point to an unseen overgrowth. The following are the most prevalent triggers to be aware of:

  • A sour or musty odor

  • Recent water spills or destruction

  • Feeling airy or squishy floors

When someone who spends time within your property has certain health problems for which the source is unknown, air testing should be given priority. Once more, this only works if you have not already identified apparent mold symptoms.

Fortunately, checking for mold in your house is a simple task that can yield results more quickly and cost-effectively than professional mold inspectors. If you've taken all reasonable precautions to avoid mold but still have cause to believe that mold spores are present in the air you inhale, look carefully for any apparent mold growth.

How Do You Test If Mold Is Making You Sick?

Get a mold test kit if you notice anything that suggests the presence of mold in any of these places. Most hardware or home maintenance stores, as well as online vendors, carry mold test kits. However, only some kits are the same. To understand their distinctions, read the labels.

It can be challenging to tell if your level of mold is harmful or completely normal when using a home test kit because you're less likely to acquire accurate measurements of the exact amount of mold in the air. It would be best if you also accounted for the additional expense (and wait time) associated with delivering your specimens to a lab. It's different than the kind of thing you can finish in a single day.

When you hire a professional, they base their decisions on much more than just the outcomes of the actual air test. They might do a visual investigation of your property, for instance, and utilize their skills and knowledge to find any concealed mold development and the moisture origin that is producing it.

A professional service's testing tools are much more sophisticated and reliable than any test you may buy for your home. Last but not least, analyzing the results, which calls for skill to translate and provide useful recommendations, is crucial and requires the assistance of a trained professional.

Black Mold

Stachybotrys chartarum is what a person is referring to when they use the term black mold. Black mold is sneaky like all molds; it's challenging to locate and even more difficult to get rid of. It doesn't necessarily imply that you aren't breathing mold spores and toxins just because you can see an apparent mold colony.

Black Mold Symptoms


There's undoubtedly a solid explanation for your concern regarding black mold exposure. Houses with mold infestations typically smell bad, but occasionally they don't. If any of the following statements holds, you may want to conduct a mold test:

  • High humidity levels exist inside your house. Black mold, like the majority of molds, requires nutrients and water to spread. You are more likely to come across mold if your home has a consistent moisture issue.

  • Your house has a musty odor. Molds emit mVOCs, which have a smell that is frequently referred to as "musty." Even though the physiological effects of mVOCs are not well understood, they have been connected to nausea, migraines, exhaustion, nausea, and sinus inflammation.

Mold Toxicity

Ailment brought on by a reaction to mold spores and moldy biotoxins is known as mold toxicity. Biotoxins, as the name suggests, are poisonous compounds produced by living things like bacteria or mold.

Mold toxicity is a term that has evolved to mean illness brought on by mold development in water-damaged structures, in addition to being widely recognized as a trigger of signs or disease in animals and people after contact with moldy foods.


However, there is debate whether prolonged exposure to indoor biotoxins and mold particles can cause chronic illness in humans.

Mold Disease

People with indoor airborne mold inhalation and mold sensitivities frequently develop respiratory problems, such as sinus issues.

And mycotoxin (biotoxins made by molds) issues from exposure to mold in food are also well supported by studies. However, some data indicate that persistent exposure to mold in the air can result in more severe systemic health issues.

Will Paint Kill Mold?

Painting over mold won't do anything but delay the inevitable and could be dangerous to your family's or your workers' health. The following are the long-term effects of painting over mold:

  • Home security

  • Family and personal health

  • Damage to property (residential and commercial)

  • Long term expenses


When mold is painted over, the issue is not solved; instead, it is concealed. Mold cannot be removed by painting over it; doing so will simply exacerbate the problem. Mold will keep growing if it is painted over. On absorbent materials like drywall, mold will likely grow and cause it to become highly saturated and dangerous, necessitating removal and replacement.


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