AdvantaClean of York County and South Charlotte and Storm Damage Cleanup  

The aftermath of a severe warm weather system can be chaotic and overwhelming for homeowners in Rock Hill. Storm damage cleanup of water must occur quickly to avoid secondary issues such as mold growth and progressive deterioration of porous building materials, fixtures, household goods, and personal property. Partnering with the well-equipped and highly-trained team from AdvantaClean of York County and South Charlotte is the best way to deliver the many interventions required for storm recovery promptly and effectively. 

Common Storm Damage Issues

Heavy rains plus high winds combine to batter the exterior of your home. Well-constructed homes often survive the onslaught with few adverse effects, but circumstances like the following can happen and need addressing by our water damage specialists and rebuilding crews:

  • Leaking roofs after shingles and flashings blow off, or trees, branches, or power lines collapse atop a residence

  • Ripped-off siding and broken windows and doors due to wind and flying debris, allowing water incursion 

  • Overland flash flooding across landscaping or pavements filling basements, foundations, and crawl spaces with highly-contaminated water

  • Waste backed up from overwhelmed municipal sanitary systems invading lower home living or storage levels

  • Soaked contents, including floor and window coverings, furniture, electronics, documents, clothing, and other personal property

Professional Storm Damage Interventions Needed 

Experienced crew leads from AdvantaClean of York County and South Charlotte assess hazards created inside your home by the leaked water. Flood waters are Category 3, the most contaminated, threatening human health and welfare. Precautions include our workers wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) and the temporary evacuation of occupants during the storm cleanup. Once we scope the affected areas, we assign the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC)-certified technicians to stop additional leaking and flooding and control potential building material collapse and secondary harm using use mitigation strategies such as:

  • Boarding and tarping up exterior damage

  • Creating weep or drain holes in ceilings and walls to release trapped fluids while avoiding structural collapse

  • Making flood cuts in drywall several inches above the water line to permit water outflow and open building cavities for effective structural drying 

  • Placing of submersible pumps to remove water in basements, lower levels, and crawl spaces where water levels are higher than two inches

  • Using truck-mounted extractors and portable back-pack extractors in confined spaces to suction out and contain contaminated liquids for lawful disposal as hazardous waste

  • Considering pack-out assistance to remove, evaluate, and restore storm-damaged contents, with secure storage options until your home is cleaned, dried, and sanitized

  • Inspecting for any signs of mold growth and planning for appropriate remediation if microbial damage is evident

AdvantaClean of York County and South Charlotte offers the experience and expertise to manage storm damage issues of all sizes. Our team responds quickly and efficiently when performing storm damage cleanup in Rock Hill, restoring the comfort and function of your home.

Contact AdvantaClean of York County and South Charlotte immediately with questions about our Rock Hill storm damage cleanup services. IICRC-certified crews are available 24/7 to assist after severe weather adversely impacts your home.

AdvantaClean of York County and South Charlotte

Water damage restoration service in Charlotte, North Carolina

4101 Stuart Andrew Blvd E

Charlotte, NC 28217

(803) 325-2100

Schedule an Appointment or Call (803) 325-2100

To request a service call, please fill out the form below and we will contact you via phone, email or text as soon as possible to confirm an appointment time. You will receive an email confirming your service request.
Phone to call (803) 325-2100