Air Duct Cleaning is Vital in Upkeeping Your Residence

During times of the year when temperatures peak or plummet, you might use resources like your heating and cooling system frequently. Much like any repairs and routine maintenance you might perform in your household, it is critical to perform the necessary cleaning and servicing of your HVAC system and connected ductwork. However, because you are limited by what you can see looking into vents and returns, a professional inspection might reveal more helpful information about how to proceed.

Honest Inspections for Needed Duct Cleaning

Do you need our air duct cleaning in your Marietta home? With a proper inspection, you might know the condition of ducts beyond a few feet from openings. We use borescope cameras to fully document the condition of your HVAC system and show you what is happening behind the scenes. Your home can give you signals that duct cleaning could be in your future.

Signs cleaning could be needed:

  • Reduced airflow to the farthest rooms of the property

  • Excessive dust production and spread in the house

  • Dust-covered returns and vents

  • Increased respiratory issues

  • Longer running times for the HVAC unit

  • Difficulty maintaining the desired temperature in all rooms of the house

  • Increasing energy bills

Removing Debris and Contaminants 

AdvantaClean professionals conduct air duct cleaning to address the concerns of poor indoor air quality. The spread and recycling of contaminants create a volatile environment for your family. Not only can this be an agitator for respiratory issues or those suffering allergies, but it can also show in the form of widespread coatings of dust across surfaces of your house. We have air-powered whips and tools to dislodge buildup. Once freed, we utilize HEPA vacuums to collect loosened particulates safely. Duct cleaning addresses:

  • Dust – Dust can be the bane of every homeowner wishing to keep their property looking its best. We mitigate the buildup of contaminants and mites through cleaning.

  • Allergens – Pet dander, dust mites, and other allergens can compromise air quality quickly. HEPA vacuums collecting freed buildup prevents the recirculation of these nuisances. 

  • Mold – Mold can grow and spread on the buildup of dirt and debris in a duct system. Spreading spores can be a problem for many rooms of the house, but HVAC and duct cleaning address growth. 

  • Pathogenic Threats – Germs and bacteria can grow in moist spaces where organic matter collects, such as a buildup in the duct network. In addition, pathogens moving through the property might make your family sick, so removal is time-sensitive.

  • Odors – Strong smells that spread through ducts to all connected rooms. Cleaning can remove the source of these malodors, and deodorization can remove them permanently. 

Increasing the Lifespan of Your Heating and Cooling System 

Cleaning and maintenance are part of the upkeep and care of your HVAC system. Duct cleaning services must also look to this equipment for any buildup around the coils and components that could reduce production or efficiency. In addition, cleaning the furnace as needed helps to prolong life to the manufacturer's guarantee and beyond in many cases.

AdvantaClean Specialists Can Help 

With the sensitivity of HVAC instrumentation and connected ductwork, cleaning components of the heating and cooling system should fall to qualified professionals. We have experience and certification to conduct extensive cleaning and restoration of air ducts and the furnace unit. We understand this service is an "as-needed" undertaking, so we work with you to determine if your property requires duct cleaning. If it does, we can begin to work quickly on performing this process to improve indoor air quality and the production of conditioned air systems.

Air duct cleaning might only sometimes be necessary. But when you notice signs that your system is performing below par, you can trust our AdvantaClean of Marietta team to help. We offer thorough inspections, efficient cleaning services, and post-cleaning documentation to show you the difference our work made in your home. So, give us a call at (470) 819-2077.

Schedule an Appointment or Call (470) 819-2077

To request a service call, please fill out the form below and we will contact you via phone, email or text as soon as possible to confirm an appointment time. You will receive an email confirming your service request.
Phone to call (470) 819-2077