Navigating the Aftermath: A Step-by-Step Guide to Fire Cleanup
Everything about a fire is scary. First and foremost, you want to make sure everyone is safe while the professional emergency responders do their work and put the fire out. Then, your thoughts will shift to the damage that has been done and how you can recover. Fire damage cleanup is a long and tedious process, and it requires a blend of knowledge, experience, and equipment to be done correctly.
Fortunately, if you have recently been through a fire, you’ve already found the ideal team to offer Greensboro professional restoration services. At AdvantaClean, we have everything that is needed to deliver excellent results on this kind of project, so don’t hesitate to give us a call.
Ensuring Everyone’s Safety
The natural first step after a fire is to secure the building and make sure people stay safe as the cleanup and recovery begin. That will often mean securing the entrances to the building and making sure no one goes back in until it has been inspected and deemed safe, or until it has been restored effectively. While some patience is sure to be required, it’s always better to err on the side of caution in these cases.
Dealing with Insurance
In most cases when a fire has taken place, it will be necessary to collaborate with the insurance company on the recovery. AdvantaClean can help you with this part of the process to make sure the insurance company gets everything they need to make a fair assessment of the claim you are filing. Getting your claim approved is going to be essential so you can afford the repair work that will be soon required.
Removing What is Destroyed
Sadly, while some things will likely be saved through professional restoration work and with the help of advanced equipment, other items are simply going to be too damaged to wind up anywhere but the trash. Our team will carefully evaluate the state of everything that has been touched by the fire to determine what can be restored successfully and what needs to go.
The Rebuild Process
What is required to rebuild after a fire is going to vary greatly from one situation to the next. Sometimes, only light restoration work will be required in the space, such as replacing drywall, painting, etc. In other cases, entire rooms or parts of buildings will need to be demolished and reconstructed, nearly from scratch. As a result, the timeline for how long it will take to complete the rebuild and get people moved back into the space is unpredictable until the job gets started and the scope of the work becomes clear.
Whether it is commercial property restoration or a residential project, AdvantaClean is ready and waiting to get started. We’ll work carefully through all of the steps in the fire cleanup process to leave you with a building that is back to safe condition and ready to perform as it did before the fire. We hope to serve you soon.