Marietta and Kennesaw Basement Flooding Experts

When you face the aftermath of basement flooding in Marietta, do not attempt the massive cleanup on your own. Take advantage of local, thoroughly trained, experienced, and well-equipped professionals for help. AdvantaClean of Marietta is ready 24 hours a day to respond to your flooding damage emergency, offering effective research-based interventions to restore your lower level to pre-crisis condition.

Flooded Basement Dangers

Marietta basement flooding is more than an inconvenience. Property owners who try to remove the flooding and clean up the mess without assistance might place themselves, other occupants, and the structure in danger. Fluids filling your lower levels can be tainted with many hazardous substances depending on the source. AdvantaClean trained and experienced managers immediately complete safety assessments to identify and control for:

Slip, trip, and fall issues, including problems involved with deep water and structures and debris hidden beneath the surface

Potentially deadly utility line issues, including live wires and leaking gas or oil

Significantly contaminated flood water, containing many toxic items or substances such as raw sewage, including parasites, bacteria, viruses, and other infectious agents capable of causing illness and possibly fatal outcomes

Industrial and household chemicals

Exposed asbestos or lead

Insects, reptiles, and animals, deceased and alive, swept in through overland floods

Trapped water threatening to collapse or erode the foundation or enclosed structures

Submerged appliances and heating or cooling systems 

Water, Debris, and Residues Removed

AdvantaClean technicians are well-prepared to clean up all aspects of Marietta's basement flooding. We invest in basic and advanced training for our technicians from the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning, and Restoration Certification (IICRC). An extensive inventory of industrial-grade restoration equipment supports our team as they work tirelessly to clear your home or business of Category 3 water, debris and soiling, and malodors. Any sign of mold or other microbial infestation results in prompt remediation following Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) protocols. Expect our personal protective equipment (PPE)-clad team to complete some or all of the following strategies to resolve basement flooding:

Containment of work areas with heavy-duty plastic and negative pressure air scrubbers to reduce drift of airborne hazards

Pumping with submersible, gas-powered units of flood waters deeper than two inches

Extraction with truck-mounted and portable equipment, using onboard generators during temporary electricity outages

Collection of contaminated water for lawful disposal following local Marietta rules and regulations

Consideration of controlled demolition to reach trapped flood water and open wet building cavities for fast and effective drying:

Flood cuts above damaged drywall between studs

Drilling, sawing, or punching of weep and drainage holes to release fluids, including in ceiling tiles and mortar joints between cinder blocks

Once the removal of the basement flood water finishes, AdvantaClean technicians determine drying goals based on building material moisture levels. We establish and monitor the progress of a perimeter of air movers, heaters, and dehumidifiers intended to return wet structures to pre-flooding moisture levels.  

AdvantaClean Sanitizes and Deodorizes

The filthy and pathogen-containing water in Marietta flooded basements can cause lingering odors and the fear of mold growth. AdvantaClean takes on these challenges as part of the overall flood restoration. If debris removal and deep cleaning with EPA-registered products do not eliminate bad smells, we continue working on the problem using:

Professional proprietary deodorization products

Advanced odor removing technology such as ozone machines, hydroxyl generators, enzymatic treatments, and other options that change the chemical makeup of odor-bearing particles

An application of EPA-registered antimicrobials on now-cleaned surfaces affected by basement flooding inhibits the growth of molds and mildews. 

AdvantaClean of Marietta is a regional leader in the flood damage restoration industry. Call us round the clock for basement flooding. In the Marietta or Kennesaw area, call (404) 474-8443 for a prompt assessment and disaster project planning.

Property owners can rely on AdvantaClean’s expertise and quick response to the challenges of resolving Marietta basement flooding. We are committed to helping you every step of the way. Learn about how we can help with crawl space sealing.

AdvantaClean of Marietta

2265 Roswell Rd #100

Marietta, GA 30062

(404) 474-8443


Schedule an Appointment or Call (470) 819-2077

To request a service call, please fill out the form below and we will contact you via phone, email or text as soon as possible to confirm an appointment time. You will receive an email confirming your service request. 

Phone to call (470) 819-2077